As a qualified puppy trainer and Clinical Animal Behaviourist I encounter this very often. It’s not just the harness - it can be a collar, lead, coat, muzzle – or anything we need to ‘put on’ our pooches, but the most common problem one of all seems to be the harness....
Teenage Dogs
Chew-tastic Delights! Exploring the benefits of Long-Lasting Chews for Puppies and Dogs
Safe and appropriate chew items are one of the easiest and quickest ways to keep our puppies and dogs happy and safely occupied. Chewing is a natural behaviour for dogs so should be considered an essential element of their daily enrichment opportunities. In this blog,...
Scatter Feeding: The Simplest Way to Enrich Your Dog’s Life!
Easy enrichment... As pet dog owners, we are always looking for new and exciting ways to keep our furry friends happy and engaged. One of my favourite ways to do this is through scatter feeding, a simple yet effective technique that encourages dogs to use their...
Adolescence in dogs
What you need to know Many owners are very unaware of just how significant the adolescent developmental stage is in dogs. Young puppies get a lot of attention and coverage on social media and online, and most new owners know about common puppy issues such as toileting...